The World Within #Hamspiration

There are over 25,000 advertising agencies in The United States, and millions of people employed by the creative industry. The immensity of it all can be daunting. Throw in client critiques, sleepless nights, and strict deadlines, and creativity can get lost. As others around you succeed or fail, it’s a common pitfall to compare yourself

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#AgencyLife, Volume 1

Every week, we will be rounding up the best tweets featuring the hashtag #agencylife –think of it as a homage to the most creative, relatable, hilarious, and/or insightful agency folks on Twitter. Catch up with agency culture from around the world, every Tuesday in one wholesome place.

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Recycle Poster #BaconBits

Designed to marry type and image in an unexpected way, the word recycle directly speaks to consumers through visual metamorphosis. The transition from sunglasses to bottle shows a surprising reincarnation of one useful object into another. The basic concept that matter doesn’t disappear, it only changes form, is strongly reinforced through the unique approach of

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Wonderland Toma Una mirada dentro de la Creatividad & #Hamspiration Pasión

#Hamspiration De hoy echa un vistazo detrás de la cortina en un mundo que estamos muy familiarizados con–el equilibrio entre la creatividad, y bueno…el mundo real. Mundo Maravilloso, un corto documental, nos recuerda a empujar más allá de la bullsh-t, y ayudar a otros a perseguir sus propias metas creativas y personales… Envíe su Hamspiration! Todos los lunes, unirse a The Creative jamón por

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Esto es lo que sucede cuando las personas sin hogar Leer Tweets Mean #BaconBits

Raising the Roof Canadá, una organización no lucrativa con el objetivo de cambiar la conversación en torno a personas sin hogar, producido un video de las personas sin hogar que leen los tweets medias. Es un doozy. Golpeó el vídeo de la marca? Usted puede ayudar a cambiar Raising The Roof la conversación compartiendo este vídeo, o por Twitter con el hashtag #HumansForHumans tomar la diferencia de Ham

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