隨著今年打商業廣告的殺入超級碗, Adweek’s Super Bowl Mashup is a gift and a time saver for anyone wanting to see all of the Super Bowl Ads. 享受這一切重溫超級碗XLIX廣告的, 編成兩分鐘的傑作.
隨著今年打商業廣告的殺入超級碗, Adweek’s Super Bowl Mashup is a gift and a time saver for anyone wanting to see all of the Super Bowl Ads. 享受這一切重溫超級碗XLIX廣告的, 編成兩分鐘的傑作.
他們的信息很簡單, 他們的設計是無可挑剔. “如果你愛的實際你做什麼, 它可以支付賬單…這是很多。” Today’s Hamspiration features the Denver-based furniture art company, 藝術終結. 提交你的想法的一個令人難以置信的例子, 永不回頭.
第一播出第三季度整個科羅拉多州, 而賽前在亞利桑那州, 並通過廣告Theorent和神韻通過動力學社交和移動支付的Facebook. 第二個播出超級碗晚上吉米Fallon. 幹得好TDA博爾德, 我們向您致敬.
將EraserFarm保存大象的安全運動? 35,000 非洲大象被殺害,每年為他們的象牙真的很可怕消化. 按照這個速度,, 他們將消失在短短 11 歲月. 這是國家外匯管理局運動, 通過EraserFarm, 進場. 查看今天的工作, 並提交自己的火腿.
大型遊戲是指日可待, 而今年的超級碗廣告看起來是作為娛樂如初. 風險很高, 跟一般的超級碗廣告/商業預計均價 $4,500,000 一個30秒的廣告, 和品牌已經有望打破紀錄.
創意總監Pierette迪亞茲和藝術總監埃里克Esculier Y的&R Paris wins today’s featured ad. 一幅美麗的Keloptic.com. 這件作品已經流傳了數月, 但還沒有完全取得了它的方式給你火腿. 幹得好ÿ&ř巴黎. 做得好.
比賽日活動是需要三個標誌,反映了整個母公司的DNA,我們的相關品牌. They’re looking for a unified aesthetic that can easily distinguish the GameDay properties from one another but still resonate the same ethos of Fun, Fandome和社區.
而廣告公司DDB芝加哥戲弄我們的超級碗廣告的發布吃喝玩樂, 馬肖恩·林奇給出了一個獨特的吃喝玩樂新聞發布會上終於說了要討論足球的最緊迫問題, 他的生命, 和西雅圖海鷹球迷.
“這需要大量的自我信念只要按照一個想法, 並相信的東西會來的吧。” INSA’s Space GIF is the focus of today’s #Hamspiration – 每週一次的特色後,創造性的東西大膽而有意義的. Join us on INSA’s incredible exploratory and creative journey to create a Space GIF.
等待. There’s a Buzzfeed Superbowl Ad? 是的. Buzzfeed的第一個廣告為盛大遊戲是在合作與喜躍, 和它的光榮. 喵完成, Buzzfeed. 喵完成. 看著貓打破了超級碗的慶祝活動,從他的角度.
We're dedicated to providing a thorough list of the world's foremost creative advertising agencies. 是否 你正在尋找打入企業 還是經驗豐富的老將尋找新的機會, 你可以使用 廣告公司的創意火腿名單 發現你不知道存在巨大的廣告創意機構.
When you purchase The Goods, you'll get to feature a video, case study (PDF), the opportunity to include a direct contact your agency (button), and The Ham's Take — an insider scoop on who, what and why we wanted to put your company on the list in the first place (we’ll reach out to you shortly to chat personally about this).
At the moment, you can host up to (3) individual case studies, which we'll compile into one easy-to-download PDF.
Please limit your file size to 3MB PDF per case study. Other than that, the sky's the limit—this your opportunity to shine.
Your case studies are displayed for 12 個月, at which point we recommend updating your files to showcase the latest and greatest. If you're too busy, no worries! Unless you decide to change up what you have up there, we'll auto-renew your subscription and ensure that "The Goods" are still live for you.
Featured Agencies have to pay to be listed in the Featured section of their appropriate city. Only the Top 7 spots are up for grabs, and they are displayed at random. Only agencies who are already listed/handpicked can advertise themselves as a Featured Agency. Agencies can only be Featured in cities where they have an active office.
The top 7 agencies on our lists are displayed above the fold. These agencies get up to 77% of the viewership on our lists, and see up to a 5% clickthrough rate (CTR). The are only 7 spots available per city, and all Featured Agencies are displayed in randomized order.