Domino’s Pizza Fights For Emoji Literacy In Silly, New Campaign

In a campaign that’s right down our sarcastic-alley, Domino’s Pizza is fighting for emoji literacy. The campaign features a silly-good PSA (上に示した), a simple microsite (shown below), and a call to action–all jokes aside, the CTA is legit. Beyond welcoming us to download emoji flashcards, Domino’s is now promoting a pretty awesome social-sales integration


Boulder Creatives Tube To Work

Forget Bike-To-Work Day, 200+ crazy creatives and techies in Boulder, CO just tubed their way to work for the 8th annual Tube-To-Work day. Boulderites, you’re crazy. This looks miserable and fun. We’re confused. #baconbits source: Daily Camera image: Ryan Gooding / Daily Camera


Cheesy Commercial Actors Dream of Being League Commissioner in Hilarious ESPN Fantasy League Videos #Baconbits

ウィード + Kennedy New York has just released a series of videos for ESPN Fantasy Football that made us giggle. They made us giggle mucho. The videos feature fake actors as they daydream about becoming the league commissioner of their cheesy commercial actors fantasy league. The Ham’s Take Touchdown, son! In what feels like a
