Uber Driver Has Riders Karaoke to The Weeknd’s “Can’t Feel My Face”
Youtuber and Uber driver extraordinaire, Do Good Jonathan, recently published a video that could be the next big trend in ride-sharing–rider kareoke.
Youtuber and Uber driver extraordinaire, Do Good Jonathan, recently published a video that could be the next big trend in ride-sharing–rider kareoke.
It’s no secret that the American education system is struggling–this is a complex issue with many contributing factors, and it deserves much more than a one-sided article by The Creative Ham; this site isn’t the right place for that shitshow. Thus, I won’t get it, here. Гэсэн хэдий ч, Hefty is stepping to the plate with the
Tampico is inviting it’s consumers to win prizes in a game dubbed Emojiball. Through Emojiball, Tampico aims to celebrate the fun-loving nature of its brand.
It’s time to whip out all of the Back To The Future quips: Somebody call Marty McFly because a functional hoverboard (not a spoof, cough-cough HUVrTech) has hit the skatepark. Энэ долоо хоногт, Lexus 1,000 tweets/hour and a 20% increase of “Lexus” mentions on Twitter—this activity has been stimulated by the wide coverage of its campaign
Stuff Business People Say may be a content play that’s riding the coattails of an older trend, but Avaya did their homework and came out on top. Watch it, here!
By now, we all know the dangers of texting/posting and driving–we still do it, anyways. In Close to Home, BBDO New York and AT&T’s latest installment of the It Can Wait campaign, we are introduced to six characters on a perfectly average day. Their lives are then irrevocably changed in a scene that will give
As tech companies (like Google, Buzzfeed, and Facebook) pull talent away from agencies, creative recruiting challenges continue to grow. The new generation of digitally savvy creatives, the improved economy, and the smorgasbord of recruiting agencies can give any agency a headache. It can leave you feeling like… I’ve experienced this headache firsthand–The #1 challenge I
This drip marketing strategy can be effectively executed with a very small budget, using amplification networks and remarketing tools, to attract thousands of new sign ups!
Youtube has just released a powerful video on marriage equality that is going viral–with a simply message of “YouTube is #ProudToLove the LGBT community and marriage equality.” Watch it here: Similar to last week’s transgender acceptance video by Google, this video highlights the personal and political struggle of individuals in the LGBT community. The Ham’s
Cannes Lions may be the world’s biggest creativity festival, but it’s also the crème de la obligatory tweet–a place where virtually every big agency LIVE tweets and Periscopes their experience, as if to say, “Хөөе, we’re here! And we’re awesome.” We get it, but we’d also like to take a moment and laugh at some
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