Jeung&R Mexico Just Made A Very Powerful Bookstore Commercial #BaconBits

Los Angeles-based Central Films North’s award-winning director Rodrigo Garcia Saiz ignites a knowledge-fueled riot, defying police aggression with books in the affecting :90 “Weapons” for Mexican bookstore Gandhi out of Young & Rubicam Mexico. The cinematic spot features a group of young radicals preparing to face an onslaught of riot shield-brandishing officers that are readying

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The Colorful Groninger Museum in Holland #Wanderlust

From Rembrandt to David Bowie, Canaletto to Marilyn Manson, The Groninger Museum in Groninger, Holland is as diverse of a museum as any. It’s a hidden gem in comparison to the other mega euro-museums, and a creative delight to be treasured! With a spotlight consistently shining on The Louvre, this smaller dutch museum is often

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18 Pikaresepeun Dog gambar ku Carrie Krieger

When is the last time that you stepped outside of a client project (this includes side projects), and created for your own enjoyment? Passion projects keep us connected to the core of our creative being, and are an essential piece to loving what we do. Carrie Krieger (ditémbongkeun di luhur) is a graphic designer and artist

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Awéwé Sarbini alias “SketchShe” Mimik Ngaliwatan Time #BaconBits

Ieu awewe geus ngan geus dina YouTube pikeun 2 bulan, tapi jeung maranéhna “hip thrusting, tunggang lemah sareng sirah banging ...” kalawan nyata aranjeunna geus nyieun sababaraha noise serius. Nu ieu nu salajengna gedé YouTube Stars? Nuhun. Rasakeun kanikmatan sababaraha #BaconBits: Naon nu #BaconBits? Poean buah ukuran ngeunaan kacamatan eusi kreatif, diulas dina Nu Kreatif Ham. Synonyms

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19 Lengkep Encouraging Tanda kutip Anjeun Boga Pikeun Baca Saméméh Anjeun tilem Ti Gawé kacapean

Grind Nu. Téh mangrupa bagian perlu tina karir dulur urang sabab tes etos urang jeung karakter urang. Lamun bade meunang tangguh–budgets perlu neukteuk, klien komplen, atawa komplikasi terduga permukaan–éta basa urang manggihan kumaha kreatif urang sabenerna nu. Gabung jeung ngeureunkeun moping Anjeun, ngeureunkeun staring kaluar jandela, and stop driving yourself

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