Advertising Agencies Are Dressing Up For Halloween

Vrasidas Golemis a recent graduate at Miami Ad School decided that it’s time for agencies to get dressed up, for Halloween that is. His project caught our interest, and it’s a fun one to share with our industry friends, foes, and hams.

In Miami Ad School’s words, “Resumes are dead. So how do you get your dream agencies to take notice of you? Too old for trick or treating, this ADC Member and recent Miami Ad School graduate [Vrasidas Golemis] is in search for the sweetest treat of them all – a gig that would set off his career in one of the agencies he’s repurposed in this series. You’re either a fan of pumpkin spice lattes or you’re not but in light of the season, #inktober in full swing and an all over eerie feeling in the air, we hope you enjoy these.”wk halloween pereira ogilvy droga deutsch2 72sunny bbdo cpb bbh



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