Pandora Wants to Know How Music Makes You Feel in This Powerful Ad

The power of music is almost impossible to describe; it motivates, inspires, commiserates, and unifies. But the people at twofifteenmccann and Pandora partnered up to conquer the impossible in this emotional commercial as part of their “The Next Song Matters” campaign.

In the 60-second spot, Pandora asked real people—bikers, hipsters, gangsters—how music makes them feel. The responses vary, but most people have a hard time answering. They use more sound effects, hand motions, and dance moves than actual words. But when they can bring words to the indescribable they say that music is “like a power source”, “I feel breathless, but in a good way”, and “it’s like… POW!"

Pandora believes that music has the power to speak to us in a way that nothing else can, and that’s why they work so hard to to bring personalized playlists to people from every walk of life.

“The Next Song Matters” campaign includes 15- and 30-second commercials that are going to be seen just about everywhere: TV, online, at music festivals, in emails, and across all the usual social media suspects: Facebook, Whisper, Instagram, Aligner chat, Periscope, and Twitter.

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