Start Your Week With This Overcaffeinated Twerking Ad from Mountain Dew

The SuperBowl and Mountain Dew brought us PuppyMonkeyBaby, and PepsiCo and BBDO are back at it with this kitty-cat twerking ad. The Mountain Dew Kickstart ad is called Freak Chain. We’re not quite sure which is more likely to wake us up on a Monday morning: Mountain Dew Kickstart or a YouTube video called Freak Chain. But if you’re going to have to get on a train today, it might as well be this one.

And in the words of Missy Elliot: “Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup I.” Here’s the cat twerking video in reverse.

Are you awake yet? Because that was weird.

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