Beautiful Illustrations by Toni Halonen #Hamspiration

Toni Halonen is a European artist and illustrator whose works have been featured in exhibitions around the globe. His works can be seen in many publication including, The New York Times, Elle, Wired, Bloomberg Businessweek, Maybelline, Heineken, סאַמסונג, Travel&Leisure, און מער. A modern day Matisse, Halonen is a colorist whose elegant paintings of simplified forms

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Top 10 Most Memorable Advertising Videos of All Time of The Month

From a flushing granny to sexual manuals, June 2015’s top video ads are listed below in no particular order. Did we miss any of your favorites? 1. Dove’s Capture Moment of Fatherhood 2. This Horrible Video From CatholicVote (יאָ, they are serious) Thankfully, there’s a parody… 3. If Carlsberg Did Haircuts 4. Google for Marriage

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Sinkboy & Sinkgirl Melt Hearts for Colgate #BaconBits

Colgate is on a mission to get its customers to close the tap while brushing their teeth. This should do it…right? The Ham’s Take Simple, accurate, and decently executed–we’ve seen a handful of complaints about proportions. Nevertheless, the concept is so salient that any execution complaints can easily be overlooked–because this ad does what all

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$1ב אַקאַונט אַרויף פֿאַר גראַבס: קולטור קאָונסיל פון פּאַלם ביטש קאָונטי

רעלעאַסעד מיטוואך, יולי 1 — The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County is looking for a new agency of record. די גאַנץ בודזשעט פֿאַר שעפעריש און מעדיע בייינג איז איבער $1 מיליאָן. מיר זענען קוקן פֿאַר אַ זייער שעפעריש אַגענטור מיט פּלעצל דזשאַק דורכפירונג אַז האט פּראַקטיק פֿאַרקויף אַרומפאָרן און די Arts. Download the RFP

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The Gamification Of Handwriting By Eric Mower + Associates Is A Winner For Education

Charlotte’s Eric Mower + Associates (EMA) won a Silver Lion at the 2015 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, in the Mobile Services category, for Domtar’s “Project Learning Curve.” The project is an effort to increase focus on handwriting and the research that shows how much it benefits students. “This is a fun way to

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Snickers Ad Campaign Highlights Absurd Mistakes Found in NYC #BaconBits

When you’re hungry, you make mistakes–or at least that’s what Snickers and BBDO want us to believe. Their new ad campaign in New York is highlighting absurd mistakes found around the city. What do you think of this campaign? The Ham’s Take We’re a sucker for gorilla marketing, and this outdoor campaign is the type

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Youtube’s #ProudToLove Video Is A Powerful Tribute & Tearjerker For Marriage Equality

Youtube has just released a powerful video on marriage equality that is going viral–with a simply message of “YouTube is #ProudToLove the LGBT community and marriage equality.” Watch it here: Similar to last week’s transgender acceptance video by Google, this video highlights the personal and political struggle of individuals in the LGBT community. The Ham’s

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