W+K Revives KFC’s The Colonel
The new Colonel is quirky, nostalgic, and off-kilter in that Midwest kind of way–we like that about him. W+K has even add a Hall of Colonels website to build on his legend.
The new Colonel is quirky, nostalgic, and off-kilter in that Midwest kind of way–we like that about him. W+K has even add a Hall of Colonels website to build on his legend.
Colle+McVoy, an agency out of Minneapolis, put together an outdoor campaign for Explore Minnesota Tourism that shows why smaller agencies can kick some serious ass. Check out the neat timelapse of their Instagram-inspired murals: Explore Minnesota explains the premise of this creative project, “To celebrate our #OnlyinMN campaign and to kick off the summer tourism
In partnership with the Webby Awards and in celebration of its 10th birthday, YouTube asked its 1 Billion users to vote for the top ads of the decade and the votes are in. Listed below are the top 5 ads of the decade, as voted by YouTube and its users. #5 Dove Real Beauty Sketches
When someone arrived, the person was detected in the dark and a focus illuminated him, how embarrassing…and effective.
Today’s #Hamspiration is a throwback video. Daniel Sax’s lovely piece of work features the iconic words of Ira Glass’ The Gap — an introspective on the creative process, originally recorded in 2009. Ira, the host of NPR’s This American Life, elaborates on the creative process in an interview that’s quickly become the young creative’s manifesto.
Havas’ BETC (Parij) Creative direktori, Filip Nilsson, has done it again. The new campaign for Evian is playful, and just in time for Summer 2015. BETC describes the ad on its blog, “This print campaign is unique with a side-by-side presentation of two posters. In the first, we see the legs of an adult with
Ask any media planner and they’ll tell you that when a brand sponsors an event it’s always a risk. Usually it’s a risk that’s worth taking. When it comes to The 2022 World Cup in Qatar, that’s not the case. The exposure of slave-labor, immigrant worker deaths, and corruption in Qatar’s preparation for The 2022
How odd would it be to start off a first date by introducing yourself in the context of your prowess at daily life? Now that’s not to say that my ability to breathe air and load a dishwasher wouldn’t woo any intelligent red-blooded female, but it would sound weird, right? Seriously, you should see the
Sometimes “new media” is all about the application. Adrian Hogan an illustrator based in Tokyo, Japan is proving this with his viral instagram panoramic cup paintings.
According to a new report released by BrandZ™–WPP and Millward Brown’s lovechild and annual study of brands–ushbudan boshlab: 2006 uchun 2015, “brand value increased 126 percent to $3.3 trillion, and this year alone value rose 14 percent.” The world’s top 100 brands are growing, hooray! Shunday, who are those illustrious 100 brands? Behold, The Illustrious List
Biz dunyodagi eng mashhur ijodiy reklama agentliklari atroflicha ro'yxatini taqdim bag'ishlangan ku. Yoki Agar ish ichiga sindirish uchun izlamoqdamiz yoki tajribali faxriysi yangi imkoniyatlar qidirayotgan, Agar foydalanishingiz mumkin Reklama agentliklari Creative Xem ro'yxati Agar bilmagan buyuk ijodiy reklama agentliklari kashf uchun.
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Sizning amaliy faoliyatlari uchun ko'rsatiladi 12 oy, qaysi nuqtasida biz eng so'nggi va eng buyuk namoyish fayllarni yangilash tavsiya. Agar juda band bo'lsang, hech qisi yo'q; tashvishga o'rin yo'q! Agar u erda nima bor up o'zgartirishga qaror ekan, Biz obunani auto-yangilash va ishonch hosil olaman "Mahsulotlar" hali sizlar uchun yashashadi.
Oilam agentliklari ularning tegishli shahar oilam bo'limda berilgan to'lash kerak. Faqat Top 7 dog'lar qatnashdi uchun bor, va ular tasodifiy ko'rsatiladi. Faqat allaqachon / ro'yxatda tanlab etiladi idoralari oilam agentligi sifatida o'zlarini reklama mumkin. Ular faol ofisiga ega bo'lgan idoralar faqat shaharlarda oilam mumkin.
eng yaxshi 7 Bizning ro'yxatlar bo'yicha idoralar barobar yuqorida ko'rsatildi:. Bu agentliklari qadar avlod 77% Bizning ro'yxatlar bo'yicha viewership of, va bir qadar qarang 5% sekin urish darajasi (CTR). The faqat 7 shahar boshiga mavjud dog'lar, va barcha oilam agentliklari randomize tartibda ko'rsatiladi.