Sir Mitchell’s Comic Wallpaper #BaconBits

Today’s #baconbits features a newly released comic wallpaper, and it’s available for download. How many of the pop-culture characters can you identify? The Ham’s Take Some illustrators have a small following of admirers. And then there’s Sir Mike of Mitchell. Since birth, Sir Mike has been awesome. His work, a plethora of satirical cartoons, fat

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Her Murals Transform Cement Trucks #Hamspiration

As creatives and advertisers, we’re constantly asking tough questions: Where can art live? What materials are fair game? How do you reach audiences in new and relevant ways? Today’s #Hamspiration features a New York based painter who decided to create the answers to these questions. “Andrea Bergart transforms an everyday cement truck into a rich

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Of Hamburglars and Kings: Is it Time for McDonald’s to Ditch the Fast Food Mascot? (Op Ed)

McDonald’s reinvention of the Hamburglar recently made waves throughout the advertising industry after the chubby cartoon bandit was reintroduced as a grown man, complete with a hipster haircut and a family. But if the initial reaction is any indicator, McDonald’s attempt at brand revitalization has fallen well short of the mark.

פאָרזעצן רידינג

The Straightest Road to Success #Hamspiration

Hard work. That’s Gary Vaynerchuk’s modus operandi and this week’s pick for #Hamspiration. Get your ass in gear folks, it’s time to make it a good week. פאָרלייגן אייער האַמספּיראַטיאָן! יעדער מאנטיק, פאַרבינדן די קרעאַטיווע כאַם פֿאַר #האַמספּיראַטיאָן – a post featuring something creatively daring, motivational, and meaningful. We scour the internet and your submissions

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