“Abortion. Da, We Do That” #BaconBits

În 1996, President Bill Clinton stated that “abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare.” Flash forward to 2015, nearly 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in her lifetime. While abortion remains one of the most heated debates in American society, a couple Boulder agencies are helping their client

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WTF: The Next Generation of Artistic Genius on Twitter

What if you could follow Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Cézanne, Matisse, Dalí, Basquiat, Warhol, or any other great painters on Twitter? That’s right, Stare de nervozitate. Imagine the insight to their thought processes that you could garner. Even the “I’m eating a meatball sandwich” tweet would have more value because of the lense through which we view

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#AgencyLife, Vol. 2

Welcome to the big, grand world of #AgencyLife. Think of it as a weekly homage to the most creative, relatable, hilarious, and insightful agency folks on Twitter. Catch up with agency culture from around the world, every Tuesday in one wholesome place: Macelarii.

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The World Within #Hamspiration

There are over 25,000 advertising agencies in The United States, and millions of people employed by the creative industry. The immensity of it all can be daunting. Throw in client critiques, sleepless nights, and strict deadlines, and creativity can get lost. As others around you succeed or fail, it’s a common pitfall to compare yourself

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#AgencyLife, Volume 1

Every week, we will be rounding up the best tweets featuring the hashtag #agencylife –think of it as a homage to the most creative, relatable, hilarious, and/or insightful agency folks on Twitter. Catch up with agency culture from around the world, every Tuesday in one wholesome place.

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