Recycle Poster #BaconBits

Designed to marry type and image in an unexpected way, the word recycle directly speaks to consumers through visual metamorphosis. The transition from sunglasses to bottle shows a surprising reincarnation of one useful object into another. The basic concept that matter doesn’t disappear, it only changes form, is strongly reinforced through the unique approach of

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18 Yndisleg Hundur Teikningar Carrie Krieger

When is the last time that you stepped outside of a client project (this includes side projects), and created for your own enjoyment? Passion projects keep us connected to the core of our creative being, and are an essential piece to loving what we do. Carrie Krieger (sést hér að ofan) is a graphic designer and artist

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Wonderland Takes A Look Inside Creativity & Passion #Hamspiration

Today’s #Hamspiration takes a look behind the curtain into a world that we’re all too familiar with–the balance between creativity, and well…the real world. Wonderland, a short documentary, reminds us to push past the bullsh-t, and help others pursue their own creative and personal goals… Submit Your Hamspiration! Sérhver Mánudagur, join The Creative Ham for

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Hæfileikaríkir Konur aka “SketchShe” MIME gegnum Time #BaconBits

Þessar konur hafa aðeins verið á YouTube fyrir 2 mánuðum, en með þeirra “Hip lagði, lágt reiðmennsku og höfuð lemja ...” vitanlega þeir eru nú þegar að gera sumir alvarlegur hávaða. Eru þessir næsta stóra YouTube Stars? Já. Notið #BaconBits: Hvað eru #BaconBits? Daglegar bit stærð stykki af skapandi efni, lögun á The Creative Ham. Samheiti

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