Recycle Poster #BaconBits

Designed to marry type and image in an unexpected way, the word recycle directly speaks to consumers through visual metamorphosis. The transition from sunglasses to bottle shows a surprising reincarnation of one useful object into another. The basic concept that matter doesn’t disappear, it only changes form, is strongly reinforced through the unique approach of


18 可爱的狗图纸由嘉莉克里格

When is the last time that you stepped outside of a client project (this includes side projects), and created for your own enjoyment? Passion projects keep us connected to the core of our creative being, and are an essential piece to loving what we do. Carrie Krieger (如上图所示) is a graphic designer and artist


仙境需要看看里面创造力 & 激情#Hamspiration

今天的#Hamspiration需要幕布后面看成为一个世界,我们都是太熟悉了–创意之间的平衡, 和好…现实世界. 仙境, 一个短纪录片, 提醒我们要推过去的瞎扯淡-T, 并帮助他人追求自己的创造性和个人目标… 提交您的Hamspiration! 每个星期一, 加入创意的火腿
