“Stuff Business People Say” Is Freaking Funny Shat From Avaya

“Stuff ______ people say” videos have been around for well over 3 വർഷം. That’s why I was a little caught off guard when Fleishman-Hillard (St. ലൂയിസ്) and Avaya released Stuff Business People Say–an advert made for an internet audience. Before watching the video, I thought–“Great, here goes another late-to-the-party shatstorm of a video.” കിണറ്, I was wrong.

ഹാമിന്റെ വാങ്ങരുതു

No hating, here! നബി Stuff Business People Say may be a content play that’s riding the coattails of an older trend, but Avaya did their homework and came out on top. This video is hilarious and so accurate that I had to transcribe each idiom into an easily shareable list, just for you. ആസ്വദിക്കുന്നതാണ്:

1. How are we gonna position ourselves?

2. Let’s hit the ground running.

3. Let’s hammer this out!

4. Let’s get our ducks in a row.

5. Here’s the 30,000 foot view.

6. Let’s drill that down.

7. I’ll beef it up.

8. Can you put a deck together?

9. I’ll do most the heavy-lifting!

10. I’ll put my feelers out.

11. What’s the dial in?

12. I just pinged her!

13. Can you loop me in on that?

14. What “ഇടം” are you in?

15. We’re B2B, We’re B2C.

16. We’re brick and mortar.

17. Let’s ideate.

18. What’s their value proposition?

19. What platform are you using?

20. Who did your UI? Your UX?

21. She’s C-Level; She’s an aqui-hire; a serial entrepreneur; a disrupter.

22. That dude is a coding ninja.

23. This new app is cutting edge. Leading edge. Seamless. Game-changing. End-to-end. Disruptive. World-class.

24. Fremium!

25. It’s like the Uber of…

26. Are those baked in?

27. Is that actionable?

28. What are the deliverables?

29. I’m worried about the unknown unknowns.

30. We need more wiggle room.

31. I’m gonna have to marinade on that.

32. What’s our launch date? Do we have a drop dead date? It’s the 11th hour. It is oh-dark-thirty.

33. We’ll have to doodle on the cheap.

34. What’s your guesstimate?

35. Is that gross or net?

36. That dovetails perfectly into my idea!

37. I’ll have to put that on the back-burner.

38. That’s not mission critical. That’s sideways energy.

39. That’s not in our wheelhouse.

40. How can we re-purpose that?

41. Can that be monetized? Can that be optimized? Can that be in-sourced?

42. That’s where the rubber meets the road.

43. Can we go under the radar? Can we go over the radar?

44. I read it on TechCrunch. GigaOm. CNET. Mashable,.

45. I don’t have the bandwidth for that.

46. Can we talk offline?

47. Guys, we are batting one thousand.

48. That’s a win-win.

49. We’re trying to create some cross-pollination.

50. We should make a viral video!

Did they miss any? Add your favorite office idioms in the comment section, ചുവടെ.

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