The Subaru Legacy is Dog Tested and Dog Approved #TBT

These Subaru ads throw it back to the days of AirBud with a similar strategy: using adorable golden retrievers for a slam-dunk ad campaign. Ad agency Carmichael Lynch introduced Subaru’s Driving Dog Family the Barkleys a few years ago, and they’re back with more amusing animal action in the “Dog Tested. Dog Approved” campaign. Because let’s be serious, puppies can sell just about anything.

The 60-second spot “Puppy” will probably get people who don’t even live in Seattle to buy a Subaru. The Barkleys are a hilarious dog family with real dog problems, like getting their baby to sleep. Everyone knows the solution: the carseat and an evening joyride in the back of the Legacy.

The other comical 30-second spots that shadow the day-to-day life of the Barkleys show that being a dog isn’t always easy—they’ve got bad hair days, dirty windshields, and deceiving navigation on their smartphones, കൂടി.

The Subaru “Dog Tested. Dog Approved” spots aired during the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. The campaign is rightly targeted at Subaru/dog-lovers: according to the numbers, over half of Subaru owners also own dogs. Safe to say, John Cusack owns a Subaru. #mustlovedogs

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