We’ve Landed on the Moon! (Cafe de Colombia Helped.)

We needed to land Apollo 11 on the moon. But first, we needed coffee. The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation and agency Rokkan came up with the “Greatness is Brewing” campaign to remind us that most things in life aren’t possible without the power of good coffee—like landing on the moon, or talking to people in the morning, or writing this article. And as the messaging suggests, the best coffee comes from Colombia.

The “Greatness is Brewing” campaign includes the 75-second “Liftoff” spot and three other 15-second ads that beg the question: would mankind’s greatest accomplishments have been possible without help from 100% Colombian Coffee? They raise a good point. We can’t even tie our shoes without a cup of coffee first.

Roberto Vélez, CEO of the Colombia Coffee Growers Federation said the campaign’s goal is to give “coffee drinkers… a better understanding of the superior qualities that come from Colombian coffee beans, how they are selectively picked, inspected for quality and taste.” The “Greatness is Brewing” campaign targets U.S. millennials and will use Facebook and Instagram to reach its audience as well.

So go ahead, drink some coffee and do something great today. Or just tie your shoes.

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