8 Advertising Startups On The Verge of Changing The Industry

There are plenty of programmatic, optimization, analytic, crowdsourced, blah-blah startups out there. I’ve dubbed these companies “Buzzword Startups”, and don’t worry–they didn’t make this list. I wonder if their founders can even explain what they do, let alone attempt the No Comma Challenge. Other startups who didn’t make the list include those whom I couldn’t

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“Abortion. हाँ, We Do That” #BaconBits

मा 1996, President Bill Clinton stated that “abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare.” Flash forward to 2015, nearly 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in her lifetime. While abortion remains one of the most heated debates in American society, a couple Boulder agencies are helping their client

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18 तपाईंले देख्नुभएका छैन भन्ने सबै भन्दा रचनात्मक विज्ञापन

उपभोक्ताहरु उजागर गर्दै 365,000 गर्न 1,095,000 प्रति वर्ष विज्ञापन, according to a recent report by Media Dynamics. यो संख्या मात्र डिजिटल संग बढिरहन्छ, र मात्र सबै भन्दा रचनात्मक विज्ञापन शीर्ष वृद्धि. These are the 18 creative ads that rose like cream!

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रियल पागल पुरुष x उपाध्यक्ष #BaconBits हुन्

Devilishly सुन्दर, charmingly त्रुटिपूर्ण, विज्ञापन सबैभन्दा प्रभावशाली नाम को एक, र त्यो काल्पनिक हो–हामी सबै डन Draper प्रेम. दिग्गज पागल मानिस हरेक विज्ञापन सर्कल मा छालहरू गरेको छ, and is based on the real-life ad legend George Lois (तपाईंलाई थाहा छ को रूप मा धेरै). Watch as VICE goes beyond the Hollywood hit to track down

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निजी भेगास: आत्म-Destructing बुक

Mother New York just released this video for the release of James Patterson’s new book, निजी भेगास. लागि $294,038 एक भाग्यशाली पाठक एक अज्ञात लक्जरी स्थान एक निजी यात्रा संग पुस्तक साथ किन्ने हुनेछ, पत्तेरसों संग एक 5 थरी खाने, र एक स्वाट टीम.

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