8 Advertising Startups On The Verge of Changing The Industry

There are plenty of programmatic, optimization, analytic, crowdsourced, blah-blah startups out there. I’ve dubbed these companies “Buzzword Startups”, and don’t worry–they didn’t make this list. I wonder if their founders can even explain what they do, let alone attempt the No Comma Challenge. Other startups who didn’t make the list include those whom I couldn’t

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Quem são os verdadeiros Mad Men x #BaconBits VICE

Diabolicamente belo, encantadoramente falho, um dos nomes mais influentes da publicidade, e ele é fictício–todos nós amamos Don Draper. O lendário Man Mad fez ondas em praticamente todos os círculo publicidade, and is based on the real-life ad legend George Lois (como muitos de vocês sabem). Watch as VICE goes beyond the Hollywood hit to track down

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