“Stuff Business People Say” Is Freaking Funny Shat From Avaya
Stuff Business People Say may be a content play that’s riding the coattails of an older trend, but Avaya did their homework and came out on top. Watch it, here!
Stuff Business People Say may be a content play that’s riding the coattails of an older trend, but Avaya did their homework and came out on top. Watch it, here!
When Tennis Tavolo, Senigallia (ping-pong.org) needed help launching thier new tournaments in Milan, its agency rallied. The Comfortable Pigs aced it with these #baconbits: The Ham’s Take By now, it’s no secret: we love installations. This idea is simple, and executed beautifully. Nevertheless, we can’t help but wonder how much better it would be if
Хог ургамалтай + Kennedy New York has just released a series of videos for ESPN Fantasy Football that made us giggle. They made us giggle mucho. The videos feature fake actors as they daydream about becoming the league commissioner of their cheesy commercial actors fantasy league. The Ham’s Take Touchdown, son! In what feels like a
Romo Jack (@ponypork) of Jakarta, Indonesia has created a beautiful portfolio of photos on instagram that feature visually stunning arrangements of his hands in creative environments. Using the hashtag #whatmyhandsdoing, Romo has quickly grown a following that’s almost as impressive as his work: ж / т: ponypork, instagram blog
Most student ads are horrible. When they don’t suck, we’ll share them with you. In fact, we’ve just opened up our submissions to student work–so start sending your stuff our way, kiddos! Below is a fun concept for Sweet N’ Low by Chris Chan (урлаг) and Richard Beahm (copy) from the VCU Brandcenter. ж / т: studentadfinds
Today’s #baconbits features an experiential execution called The Samsung Safety Truck. In a rather unique demo of their technology, Samsung Argentina strapped its TVs to the back of semi trucks…
The Fantastical, has just launched a new campaign for Olympus that aims to disrupt the DSLR market with “The DSL-Arm”, a sarcastic jab at clunky cameras. “We wanted to deliver this industry-challenging message in a bold and disruptive way. By creating this DSL-ARM affliction, we were able to playfully poke fun at how big and
Today’s #baconbits features this spot by Perrier, and Ogilvy Paris–a fantastical race of hot air balloons, filled with waiters, hot girls, a roaring lion, a crazy pyrotechnist and more. The race rises towards an explosive conclusion, and is an all-around playful spot. Credits Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Paris Directors: Fleur&Manu Production Company: Les Télécréateurs Sound Production:
Colle+McVoy, an agency out of Minneapolis, put together an outdoor campaign for Explore Minnesota Tourism that shows why smaller agencies can kick some serious ass. Check out the neat timelapse of their Instagram-inspired murals: Explore Minnesota explains the premise of this creative project, “To celebrate our #OnlyinMN campaign and to kick off the summer tourism
Havas’ BETC (Парис) Бүтээлч захирал, Filip Nilsson, has done it again. The new campaign for Evian is playful, and just in time for Summer 2015. BETC describes the ad on its blog, “This print campaign is unique with a side-by-side presentation of two posters. In the first, we see the legs of an adult with
Бид дэлхийн хамгийн дэвшилтэт бүтээлч зар сурталчилгааны агентлаг нь бүрэн жагсаалтыг хангах зориулагдсан байна. Эсэх Хэрэв та бизнес болгон эвдэх хайж байна эсвэл амтлагч ахмад шинэ боломжийг хайж, Хэрэв та ашиглаж болно Зар сурталчилгааны агентлаг, бүтээлч Хэмийн жагсаалт Та мэдэх байсан биш үү их бүтээлч зар сурталчилгааны агентлаг олж.
Та Бараа худалдан авах үед, Хэрэв та видео онцлог авах болно, кейс судалгаа (PDF), Таны сонгох эрхээ шууд холбоо оруулах боломж (товч), болон Хэмийн авна - дээр дотоод утгуур, ямар бид эхний ээлжинд жагсаалтанд танай компанийг тавих хүссэн, яагаад (Бид тун удахгүй энэ талаар өөрийн биеэр чатлаж та хүрч болно).
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Таны кейс судалгаа нь дэлгэц дээр гарч ирнэ 12 сар, аль цэг дээр бид хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн, хамгийн агуу танилцууллаа таны файлуудыг шинэчлэх зөвлөж байна. Та ч бас завгүй байгаа бол, санаа зовох зүйл байхгүй! Та тэнд юу хүртэл өөрчлөх шийдвэр бол, Бид таны захиалгыг автоматаар шинэчлэх, энэ байдлыг хангах болно "Бараа" одоо ч гэсэн та нарын төлөө амьдарч байна.
Онцлох байгууллагууд нь зохих хотын Онцлох хэсэгт жагсаагдсан байх нь төлөх ёстой. Зөвхөн топ 7 толбо дэгээ, сум хүртэл байна, Тэд санамсаргүй байдлаар гарч ирнэ. Зөвхөн аль хэдийн / бүртгэлтэй сугалж байгаа байгууллагууд нь Онцлох агентлагийн гэж өөрсдийгөө сурталчлах болно. Тэд идэвхтэй ажлын албатай байна хаана байгууллагууд л хотын Онцлох болно.
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