Recycle Poster #BaconBits

Designed to marry type and image in an unexpected way, the word recycle directly speaks to consumers through visual metamorphosis. The transition from sunglasses to bottle shows a surprising reincarnation of one useful object into another. The basic concept that matter doesn’t disappear, it only changes form, is strongly reinforced through the unique approach of

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Awéwé Sarbini alias “SketchShe” Mimik Ngaliwatan Time #BaconBits

Ieu awewe geus ngan geus dina YouTube pikeun 2 bulan, tapi jeung maranéhna “hip thrusting, tunggang lemah sareng sirah banging ...” kalawan nyata aranjeunna geus nyieun sababaraha noise serius. Nu ieu nu salajengna gedé YouTube Stars? Nuhun. Rasakeun kanikmatan sababaraha #BaconBits: Naon nu #BaconBits? Poean buah ukuran ngeunaan kacamatan eusi kreatif, diulas dina Nu Kreatif Ham. Synonyms

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