These Lumbersexual Astrology Posters Totally Nail It #BaconBits

Metrosexuals are old news. Lumbersexuals, con todo, are all the rage. Double duh! That’s why Michael Sanderson’s submission caught our eyes for today’s #baconbits pick. Michael is a Portland-based artist specializing in work that deals with the male form. His first series, Constellation Park, is a collection of 16×20 prints that explore each sign of the

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Sir Mitchell’s Comic Wallpaper #BaconBits

Today’s #baconbits features a newly released comic wallpaper, and it’s available for download. How many of the pop-culture characters can you identify? The Ham’s Take Some illustrators have a small following of admirers. And then there’s Sir Mike of Mitchell. Since birth, Sir Mike has been awesome. His work, a plethora of satirical cartoons, fat

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