Jieun Senén Morning B anjeun * tch #Hamspiration

Gary Vaynerchuk represents everything that is good in digital media–community-oriented social, sarcasm energetic, nyiptakeun eusi kualitas, jeung saterusna leuwih. Lalajo manéhna ngabejaan everybody, “Make Monday morning your b*tch.” Today’s #Hamspiration comes directly from the cross streets of Wake The Hell Up & Kaluar Whining.

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INSA sacara Spasi GIF #Hamspiration

“Butuh loba kapercayaan diri ka Ngan nuturkeun pamanggih, jeung percaya hal baris datang eta.” INSA’s Space GIF is the focus of today’s #Hamspiration – pos mingguan featuring hal kreatif daring jeung bermakna. Join us on INSA’s incredible exploratory and creative journey to create a Space GIF.

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