21 Handpicked Valentines Day Quotes & Ideas (Savagery)

Whether you’re a hardcore fan of everything L-O-V-E or you’re miserably single (eða, hell, happily single), Valentine’s day can bring out all the feels. So we’ve handpicked 21 Valentines Day quotes, showerthoughts and/or tweets that we hope will make your February a good one. Some funny, some cute, but mostly real good stuff. 21 Valentines

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21 Creative Thoughts In The Shower Because Why TF Not

Why do some of us have our best creative thoughts in the shower? There are many theories, but an interesting article by Buffer explains that “a relaxed state of mind is absolutely important to be creative.” We’re not here to get in the psychological weeds of explaining exactly where creativity is birthed, but instead in the spirit

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25 Best Shower Thoughts of All Time of The Month

Praise the Lord! It’s that time of the month, again. We’ve rounded up the Top 25 Shower Thoughts of The Month, via reddit, for your mind-boggling pleasure. As always, it’s our hope that this collection of shower thoughts inspires your creative self to come up with the next big, creative idea. Njóta! 25 Best Shower

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The 50 Mesta Sturtu Hugsanir allra tíma

“Í sturtu, með að koma heitu vatni niður, þú hefur skilið alvöru heiminn á bak, og mjög oft hlutirnir opna fyrir þig.” -Woody Allen We have to stop apologizing for our “heimskur” hugmyndir. Of oft í skapandi iðnaði gera heyrum, “Þetta gæti verið heimskulegt hugmynd, en…”. Hættu. The best ideas

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