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    We're dedicated to providing a thorough list of the world's foremost creative advertising agencies. Дали търсите начин да пробие в бизнеса или опитен ветеран в търсене на нови възможности, можете да използвате Списък на рекламни агенции The Creative Хям да откриете голям творчески рекламни агенции не знаех, че съществува.


    What do I get when I purchase The Goods?

    When you purchase The Goods, you'll get to feature a video, case study (PDF), the opportunity to include a direct contact your agency (button), and The Ham's Take — an insider scoop on who, what and why we wanted to put your company on the list in the first place (we’ll reach out to you shortly to chat personally about this).

    How many case studies can I publish?

    At the moment, you can host up to (3) individual case studies, which we'll compile into one easy-to-download PDF.

    What should my case study look like?

    Please limit your file size to 3MB PDF per case study. Other than that, the sky's the limit—this your opportunity to shine.

    How long are The Goods displayed?

    Your case studies are displayed for 12 месеца, at which point we recommend updating your files to showcase the latest and greatest. If you're too busy, no worries! Unless you decide to change up what you have up there, we'll auto-renew your subscription and ensure that "The Goods" are still live for you.