WTF: The Next Generation of Artistic Genius on Twitter

What if you could follow Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Cézanne, Matisse, Dalí, Basquiat, Warhol, or any other great painters on Twitter? That’s right, Twitter. Imagine the insight to their thought processes that you could garner. Even the “I’m eating a meatball sandwich” tweet would have more value because of the lense through which we view

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How To Start A Creative Agency #LunchtimeLaughter

Forget finding an advertising job, start your own agency! Ben Horsley, a Creative Director out of Guildford & Лондоны, shares our snarky outlook on creativity–if you can’t laugh at your own industry, what else is there? In an effort to capture the quintessence of creative agencies, Ben crafted a How-To titled How To Start A

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The World Within #Hamspiration

There are over 25,000 advertising agencies in The United States, and millions of people employed by the creative industry. The immensity of it all can be daunting. Throw in client critiques, sleepless nights, and strict deadlines, and creativity can get lost. As others around you succeed or fail, it’s a common pitfall to compare yourself

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The 15 Most Stunning Panoramic Aerial Photos of New York City #Wanderlust

Like most agency folk, we crave for creative getaways and far off lands. Join The Butchery every Friday for #Wanderlust – a feature on a creative or adventurous places that fills the need (or perhaps, evokes the need) of Wanderlust. Today, we start where it all began, and enjoy these 15 stunning panoramic aerial photos of New York.

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Recycle Poster #BaconBits

Designed to marry type and image in an unexpected way, the word recycle directly speaks to consumers through visual metamorphosis. The transition from sunglasses to bottle shows a surprising reincarnation of one useful object into another. The basic concept that matter doesn’t disappear, it only changes form, is strongly reinforced through the unique approach of

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Гайхамшгийн Ц.Лхамсүрэн, бүтээлч ойлгодог & Passion #Hamspiration

Өнөөдрийн #Hamspiration бид бүх нийтээрээ мэддэг байгаа дэлхийд хөшигний цаана харагдах хэрэгтэй–Бүтээлч хоорондын тэнцвэр, сайн…бодит ертөнц. Гайхамшгийн, богино хэмжээний баримтат, bullsh-т өнгөрсөн түлхэж бидэнд сануулдаг, болон бусад өөрсдийн бүтээлч, хувийн зорилго баримтлах нь туслах… Таны Hamspiration оруулах! Даваа гариг ​​бүрт, Хам нь бүтээлч элсэх

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Энд орон гэргүй ядуу хүмүүс дундаж нийттэй харилцах #BaconBits унших үед яах вэ

Дээврийн Канад өсгөсөн, ашгийн төлөө бус гэр оронгүй эргэн тойронд яриагаа өөрчлөх зорилготой, дундаж жиргээнд унших орон гэргүй хүмүүсийн видео бичлэг үйлдвэрлэсэн. Энэ нь doozy юм. Энэ видео тэмдгийг цохих үү? Та Дээврийн Энэ видеог хуваалцах замаар яриагаа өөрчилж сайжруулах нь туслах болно, эсвэл hashtag нь tweeting замаар Хэмийн авах нь ялгаатай #HumansForHumans

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