Evian’s “Little Big Baby” Campaign Captures Our Inner Kid

Havas’ BETC (Парис) Бүтээлч захирал, Filip Nilsson, has done it again. The new campaign for Evian is playful, and just in time for Summer 2015. BETC describes the ad on its blog, “This print campaign is unique with a side-by-side presentation of two posters. In the first, we see the legs of an adult with

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These Are The World’s Top 100 Brands in 2015

According to a new report released by BrandZ™–WPP and Millward Brown’s lovechild and annual study of brands–нь 2006 нь 2015, “brand value increased 126 percent to $3.3 trillion, and this year alone value rose 14 percent.” The world’s top 100 brands are growing, hooray! Тэгэхээр, who are those illustrious 100 brands? Behold, The Illustrious List

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Sir Mitchell’s Comic Wallpaper #BaconBits

Today’s #baconbits features a newly released comic wallpaper, and it’s available for download. How many of the pop-culture characters can you identify? The Ham’s Take Some illustrators have a small following of admirers. And then there’s Sir Mike of Mitchell. Since birth, Sir Mike has been awesome. His work, a plethora of satirical cartoons, fat

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Her Murals Transform Cement Trucks #Hamspiration

As creatives and advertisers, we’re constantly asking tough questions: Where can art live? What materials are fair game? How do you reach audiences in new and relevant ways? Today’s #Hamspiration features a New York based painter who decided to create the answers to these questions. “Andrea Bergart transforms an everyday cement truck into a rich

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