The Gap #Hamspiration

Today’s #Hamspiration is a throwback video. Daniel Sax’s lovely piece of work features the iconic words of Ira Glass’ The Gap — an introspective on the creative process, originally recorded in 2009. Ira, the host of NPR’s This American Life, elaborates on the creative process in an interview that’s quickly become the young creative’s manifesto.

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These Are The World’s Top 100 Brands in 2015

According to a new report released by BrandZ™–WPP and Millward Brown’s lovechild and annual study of brands–от 2006 към 2015, “brand value increased 126 percent to $3.3 trillion, and this year alone value rose 14 percent.” The world’s top 100 brands are growing, hooray! Така, who are those illustrious 100 марки? Behold, The Illustrious List

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