I&R Mexico Just Made A Very Powerful Bookstore Commercial #BaconBits

Los Angeles-based Central Films North’s award-winning director Rodrigo Garcia Saiz ignites a knowledge-fueled riot, defying police aggression with books in the affecting :90 “Weapons” for Mexican bookstore Gandhi out of Young & Rubicam Mexico. The cinematic spot features a group of young radicals preparing to face an onslaught of riot shield-brandishing officers that are readying

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The Colorful Groninger Museum in Holland #Wanderlust

From Rembrandt to David Bowie, Canaletto to Marilyn Manson, The Groninger Museum in Groninger, Holland is as diverse of a museum as any. It’s a hidden gem in comparison to the other mega euro-museums, and a creative delight to be treasured! With a spotlight consistently shining on The Louvre, this smaller dutch museum is often

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19 Completament encoratjadors Cotitzacions vostè ha de llegir abans de morir De Treball Fatiga

La rutina. És una part necessària de la cursa de tots, ja que posa a prova la nostra ètica de treball i el nostre caràcter. Quan les coses es posen difícils–pressupostos es tallen, Els clients es queixen, o complicacions inesperades superfície–que és quan ens adonem del creatiu que realment som. Uneix-te a mi i detenir el seu moping, deixar de mirar per la finestra, and stop driving yourself

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