A Dose of Zen For Your Monday #BaconBits

“A young boy tries to recapture an errant kite as he travels through a diverse and beautiful landscape, which is being generated in real-time in Unreal Engine at 30fps.”

Yup, we’re in…

It’s no secret that we’re film junkies over here at the Ham (bacon flavored popcorn seasoning is a real game changer). That said, we’ve been following the Sploid Short Film Festival for the past month or so and this little guy, directed by Gavin Moran caught our eye recently.

Maybe it’s because last week was a long one for us, maybe it’s because we’re ok embracing our sentimentality as modern men or maybe it’s just because this is a damn fine little piece of cinema, but regardless, take the 2 minutes to enjoy a moment of zen on this beautiful Monday.

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