WTF: ADWEEK on Twitter

Each week, The Creative Ham will be compiling lists of who to follow on Twitter. Dubbed “Who To Follow (WTF) Wednesdays”, these posts will feature a hand-picked grouping of who we suggest you should follow. These lists will generally revolve around advertising, but don’t be surprised if we deviate–after all, what is creative about the ham if we don’t mix things up?

This week’s WTF Wednesday features a hand-picked list of editors and writers at ADWEEK. ADWEEK is one of the nation’s foremost advertising publications, and a leading source of news for marketing, media and advertising professionals. Follow these folks to be in the know:


Twitter Handle


Jeffrey Rudolf@jeffreyrudolfDigital GM
Tim Nudd@nuddCreative Editor
Melissa Hoffman@adweekmelissaWeb Editor
Michael Burgi@michaelburgiFeatures Editor
Nick Mrozowski@mrozowskiExecutive Creative Director
Tony Case@tonymediaExecutive Editor
Lisa Granatstein@granatsteinManaging Editor
James Cooper@jcoopernycEditorial Director
Adweek Jobs@adweekcareersJobs Feed Handle
David Gianatasio@davegianWriter
Sam Thielman@samthielmanWriter
Christopher Heine@chris_heineWriter
Andrew McMains@mcmains1965Writer
Kristina Monllos@kristinamonllosWriter
Lauren Johnson@laurenjohnsonWriter
David Griner@grinerSocial Editor
Michelle Castillo@mishcastilloWriter
Gabriel Beltrone@gbeltroneWriter
Roo Ciambriello@roociambrielloWriter
Rebecca Cullers@rebeccacullersWriter
John Tejada@tejadaj1Writer
Emma Bazilian@adweekemmaWriter
Curtis Silver@cebsilverWriter
Alfred Maskeroni@digimatizedWriter
Robert Klara@uppereastrobWriter
Noreen O’leary@noreenolearyWriter
Garett Sloane@garettsloaneWriter

Note: This list will be forever incomplete. Know of an Adweek writer that we left out? Comment below!

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