Recycle Poster #BaconBits

recycle design

Designed to marry type and image in an unexpected way, the word recycle directly speaks to consumers through visual metamorphosis. The transition from sunglasses to bottle shows a surprising reincarnation of one useful object into another. The basic concept that matter doesn’t disappear, it only changes form, is strongly reinforced through the unique approach of a commonly used word like recycle.

Originally posted in 2011, we had to reshare the student work by Kelly Clawson. Follow her on Twitter @kellyclaws.

Kas yra #BaconBits?

Dienos įkandimo dydžio gabaliukai kūrybinio turinio, featured on The Butchery. Sinonimai yra: adporn, adgasm, smegenų pašarai, ramiai, gėrybės.

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