The Best Resume Ever: Du önskar att du kom med detta

"Kan du ta en titt på min cv och se vad du tycker om det?"

How many times have you heard this question? Nu, Hur ofta har du gått den extra milen för att hjälpa din vän att stå ut? When a Bernadette Baji asked Miklos Kiss (Budapest, Ungern) to help with the design of her CV/resume for an open position at a wine company, help he did. Maybe this isn’t the best resume ever, but it’s in the running. The only thing that could top this in our book? Samma utförande på en whiskyflaska.

Resume Porn: The Best Design Ever

Best Resume Ever

packaging best resume ever packaging resume

According to the folks at dieline, the custom logo work, beautiful typeface, and packaging ingenuity helped Bernadette land the job. She is now happily employed at Bortársaság Wine Distribution.

Best Resume Logo

Best Resume

Best Resume Design

Fotografi: Bálint Jaksa

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