18 Photos That Prove A Denver International Airport Campaign is Winning May 4th #BaconBits
It is a period of terror war. TSA pat downs, striking “random” travelers make for unpleasant travel in all airports, a Galactic Evil. Amidst the insanity, one fleet of random airport workers are changing things up. For the second year in a row, Denver International Airport (DIA) pulled out all the stops for May 4th– a date otherwise known as Star Wars Day, or May The 4th Be With You Day. The shenanigans have turned into an annual campaign that is earning thousands of engagements online, and smiles all around.
Today’s #BaconBits features DIA’s May The Fourth Be With You campaign for happier travel.
“Denver International Airport, connecting you with places far, far away…”
(эх үүсвэр: Facebook/Denver International Airport)