RFP: Marketing for Descanso Ocean & Nature View Homes

Company: Promocasa
Brand: Descanso Ocean & Nature View Homes
Budget: $150,000.00 (USD)
Deadline: February 28, 2015
Contact: javier.oliver[at]promocasa.com.mx

About: Descanso is a housing developer in Baja, Mexico with a second home/retirement home project focused for the SoCal Market in Rosarito, Baja California.

Request: Descanso is looking for an agency that has experience in real estate and tourism. Descanso’s goal is to generate qualifying leads and make them visit our project or contact a local real estate agent in LA or SD to assist them.

Creative Ham Insider: The aforementioned contact (Javier) will be in Los Angeles this week to meet with agencies, and is looking for responses in Los Angeles in order to set up a meeting.

image courtesy of descanso

image courtesy of descanso

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