Evian’s “Little Big Baby” Campaign Captures Our Inner Kid
Havas’ BETC (Paris) Stiúrthóir Cruthaitheach, Filip Nilsson, has done it again. The new campaign for Evian is playful, and just in time for Summer 2015. BETC describes the ad on its blog, “This print campaign is unique with a side-by-side presentation of two posters. In the first, we see the legs of an adult with a bottle of evian and in the second, which is an extension of the image, a baby’s upper body and head: a “before and after” treatment that spans several generations.” #BaconBits
h / t: adeevee
Gníomhaireacht Fógraíochta: BETC, Paris, France
Stiúrthóir Cruthaitheach: Filip Nilsson
Stiúrthóir Ealaíne: Agnes Cavard
Assistant Art Dirextor: Felix Falzon
Copywriter: Valerie Chidlovsky
Grianghrafadóir: Jean Yves Lemoigne
Retoucher: Pierrick Guenneugues, Sparklink
Art Buyer: Isabelle Mocq-Orain, Nathalie Gruselle
Táirgeadh: Sarah Belhadj