The Hackaball: Programmable Playtime Is Here!

Hackaball - Half App, Half Ball

Today’s parents are constantly torn between two dilemmas. Dilemma A: “The Ward Cleaver Principle,” and Dilemma B: “The Edward Zuckerberg Principal”–yup, even Mark has a dad.

  • Dilemma A is essentially the struggle to prevent your offspring from becoming chubby, diabetic zombies attached to the teet of technology and fueled by sugar water. This is what drives parents to put a time limit on the XBOX controller, and kick their kids out of the house to go play (read: awesome parents).
  • Dilemma B, on the other hand, essentially acknowledges that there’s a baconload of money to be made by the young entrepreneur out there who can establish career skills prior to establishing facial hair–see Noa Mintz for reference.

Now let’s face it, as selfless as we all are (read: not actually that selfless), if we can capitalize on our offspring’s genius while teaching them to be successful entrepreneurs, we’ve essentially just won at life. And men, it’s only an added bonus that during the process, we are guaranteeing that we can retire at an age prior to the man-boobs setting in.

Yet, here’s the problem:

Never does one find themself learning to code whilst running a mean button hook, nor does one find themself rounding 3rd base with an iPad in hand. Enter the Hackaball.


Hidden under the guise of active game play, Hackaball embodies the foundational building blocks for open source design.

Originally a side project of Made by Many, a product innovation studio in London, Hackaball is gaining exponential traction. With Hackaball, your kids can build and hack their own games, and then get off their butts to go reap the physical benefits/fun of their mental prowess. In short, Dilemma A is solved by Dilemma B, and somewhere Nerf is crying. Meanwhile, people are talking:

Keep Calm & Support Programmable Playtime

kids play with hackaball

Those who like to complain about the downward spiral of tomorrow’s youth, or those who just like to see kickass products enter the marketplace, head on over to Hackaball’s Kickstarter page and give this ball some support…then get back to reading the internet and enjoying your 32 oz Coca Cola, those man-boobs aren’t gonna build themselves!

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