10 Enlightening Haruki Murakami Quotes To Light Up The Left Side of Your Brain

image by Maria Castelló Solbes//flickr
Haruki Murakami is a creative genius whose literary works are filled with beautiful insights that can be applied to our crazy world of creative churn and burn. We’ve compiled and repurposed our 10 favorite Haruki Murakami Quotes for those times when your creative side needs a little reminder. 享受, 火腿!
1. For those long nights…
“I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning.” -村上春樹
2. When you’re playing it safe to avoid criticism…
“If you do anything out of the ordinary, you can be sure someone, somewhere, will get upset.” -村上春樹 (may we add: do it anyways)
3. Or when you’re playing it safe to be politically correct…
“The more desperately we try to be good and wonderful and perfect, the more the Shadow develops a definite will to be black and evil and destructive.” -村上春樹
4. For the times you’re waiting on that promotion…
“Life is not like water. Things in life don’t necessarily flow over the shortest possible route.” -村上春樹
5. Or when you want to hide away from the world…
“Loneliness becomes an acid that eats away at you.” -村上春樹
6. For that “straightforward” creative brief…
“Please remember: things are not what they seem.” -村上春樹
7. To remind us of what a great idea 真 is…
“As time goes on, you’ll understand. What lasts, lasts; what doesn’t, doesn’t.” -村上春樹
8. To inspire a different approach to storytelling…
“Not all guns have to be fired. A pistol is just a tool and where I am living is not a story book world. It’s a real world, full of gaps and inconsistencies and anticlimaxes.” -村上春樹
10. And to discourage groupthink…
“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” -村上春樹
9. Lastly, this gem on the power of words…
“它不是該意義不能解釋. 但也有那些永遠失去了他們的話進行解釋的那一刻一定的意義。” -村上春樹