Evo, kaj se zgodi, ko brezdomce Read Mean Tweets #BaconBits

Dvig strehe Kanada, neprofitna, katere namen je spremeniti pogovor okoli brezdomci, proizvaja video brezdomcev branje srednje tweets. To je doozy.

Ali je ta video zadeti znamko? Lahko pomaga Dvig strehe spremenite pogovor z izmenjavo ta video, or by tweeting with the hashtag #HumansForHumans

Pršuta Take

Unlike many of the “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets” knock offs, this video captures intimate moments of a harsh reality–the dehumanization of an entire group of people in our society. These intimate moments and the seemingly real responses from the people in the video make for a thought-provoking piece by Fort York VFX (production company). You can also visit humansforhumans.ca and view the whole campaign, including direct responses from the people in the video to the tweets. It’s worth a peek.

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