Bu yerda Norasida Odamlar o'rtacha tvit #BaconBits bering, nima bo'ldi ekan
Roof Kanada oshirish, notijoriy uysizlar atrofida suhbat o'zgartirish maqsadida, o'rtacha tvitlar o'qish uysiz odamlar bir video ishlab chiqarilgan. Bu Ushbu oyat ekan.
Ushbu video belgisi urdi oladimi? Siz Roof bu videoni bo'lishib suhbat o'zgartirish oshirish yordam berishi mumkin, or by tweeting with the hashtag #HumansForHumans
Xem ning Take
Unlike many of the “Mashhur o'rtacha Tvitlar o'qing” knock offs, this video captures intimate moments of a harsh reality–the dehumanization of an entire group of people in our society. These intimate moments and the seemingly real responses from the people in the video make for a thought-provoking piece by Fort York VFX (production company). You can also visit humansforhumans.ca and view the whole campaign, including direct responses from the people in the video to the tweets. It’s worth a peek.