Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India’s Porn Ban w/ Brilliant Campaign

In what’s being dubbed as the “Porn Ban Crisis”, the Indian government is blocking access to more than 800 websites that have pornographic material. The controversial censoring has been met with mixed responses in India, but students at Miami Ad School (Mumbai) really don’t like it.

In response to the government’s censoring of pornographic material, Miami Ad School students came together to create a mock campaign called #LiftThePornBan–a jab on what they envision the future of porn search will look like in India.

It’s pretty brilliant…

Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban

Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban

Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban

Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban


Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban

Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban

Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban

Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India's Porn Ban


Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Mumbai, India
ಕಲಾ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಕರು: Sonica Baptist, Rati Ghosh, Trupti Pendharkar, Rocio Busca
ಕಾಪಿರೈಟರ್: Milla Olea, Himanish Ashar, Rushad Patel, Nikhil Choudhary, Sasha Dias, Dhanush Paramesh, Joseph Thomas
H / T: adeevee

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