Ireland Davenport Turns #TheDress Into An Anti-Domestic Violence Advertisement For The Salvation Army

爱尔兰达文波特, a boutique communications agency out of Johannesburg, South Africa, just released a topical advertisement for The Salvation Army. The advertisement features “扮靓”, and there’s no denying the power behind the image’s more obvious black and blue. 妇女的谎言, 焦头烂额, 与消息: “为什么会这样很难看到遍体鳞伤?”


The PSA is an effort by Salvation Army South Africa to address the substantial domestic abuse issues in its territory: “家庭暴力影响了很多女性在南非. 四分之一的女性是家庭暴力的受害者, 每六小时的女人被她的亲密伴侣杀害. 许多妇女陷入滥用周期, 从一个破坏性的局面移动到另一个. 在女性的一生中的每一个环节滥用影响, 摧毁自尊. 救世军提供了一些庇护所为受虐待的妇女及其子女,并有机会为他们找到治疗和学习技能,使他们能够应对作为社会的自力更生的成员。” – 救世军SA

做得好, 爱尔兰达文波特.

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