Apple Insinyur Talks ngeunaan New 2015 Macbook (Parody)
Dileupaskeun Maret 11, lalajo salaku Apple Insinyur Talks ngeunaan New 2015 Macbook. It’s 100% pikaheraneun, jeung hal funniest dina internet saminggu. Oh, goréng Tim Cook (Parody).
Dileupaskeun Maret 11, lalajo salaku Apple Insinyur Talks ngeunaan New 2015 Macbook. It’s 100% pikaheraneun, jeung hal funniest dina internet saminggu. Oh, goréng Tim Cook (Parody).
Drawing inspiration from Jimmy Kimmel LIVE’s “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets”, Toronto (SAPERTOS) agency John St. has launched a new spot for The Canadian Safe School Network–an anti-bullying campaign.
“Can you take a look at my résumé and see what you think of it?” How many times have you heard this question? Ayeuna, how often have you gone the extra mile to help your friend stand out? When a Bernadette Baji asked Miklos Kiss (Budapest, Hungary) to help with the design of her CV/resume
“Di pancuran nu, jeung cai panas datang ka handap, Anjeun geus ninggalkeun dunya nyata balik, sarta pohara remen hal muka nepi pikeun anjeun.” -Woody Allen We have to stop apologizing for our “bodo” gagasan. Teuing mindeng dina industri kreatif mah urang ngadenge, “Hal ieu bisa jadi hiji pamanggih bodo, tapi…”. Ngeureunkeunana. The best ideas
Hackaball is a smart and responsive ball that children can program to invent and play games–it’s open source design meets schoolyard ingenuity. Pariksa kaulinan luar biasa ieu nu, nyumput dina kaayaan kedok maén kaulinan aktip, embodies blok wangunan foundational pikeun desain open source.
Saptu, Maret 9, 2015 nyirikeun 50 Ulang taun “Getihan, Minggu” di Edmond Pettus Sasak di Selma, Alabama. Pikeun ngahargaan kana Amerika anu jumeneng bener keur kaadilan, Présidén Obama dilongok Landmark sajarah jeung méré pidato anu bisa turun minangka salah sahiji ucapan presiden pangkuatna sakabeh waktu. Yen Anjeun
Nu Kreatif Ham brings Anjeun hiji Q&A sareng sadaya pendiri henteu sieun Unlimited. Dina ekslusif Q ieu&A, tilu pendiri-Alex Bogusky, Dagny témbal, Leslie Freeman - diskusi model agénsi anyar maranéhanana, gol maranéhanana, jeung maranéhanana ngamekarkeun hubungan klien.
Irlandia Davenport, agénsi komunikasi butik kaluar ti Johannesburg, Afrika Kidul, ngan dileupaskeun iklan topical pikeun Nu Kasalametan Angkatan Darat. Fitur iklan “Nu Kalong”, jeung éta kuat.
Di dieu nu runtuyan web kreatif sarta entertaining nyerah ku Eric Alexander-Hughes, editor jeung putra / ganteng tina Hughes Brothers. Runtuyan ieu judulna Detroit Larry: Nu Bebeneran Pait. Detroit Larry méré urang nyokot pait-Na dina dunya. Anjeunna kawas vérsi hirup nyata tina George Jefferson.
Gary Vaynerchuk represents everything that is good in digital media–community-oriented social, sarcasm energetic, nyiptakeun eusi kualitas, jeung saterusna leuwih. Lalajo manéhna ngabejaan everybody, “Make Monday morning your b*tch.” Today’s #Hamspiration comes directly from the cross streets of Wake The Hell Up & Kaluar Whining.
We're dedicated to providing a thorough list of the world's foremost creative advertising agencies. Lamun nu ditéang pikeun megatkeun kana usaha nu atawa Samaun seasoned néangan kasempetan anyar, Anjeun bisa make Daptar Kreatif Ham ngeunaan agénsi pariwara pikeun manggihan agénsi pariwara kreatif gede Anjeun teu nyaho eksis.
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