Bad Food, Bad Dog

Bu Throwback Cümə axşamı var, but instead of sharing a photo of our favorite selfie from the 90’s, Biz Y bizim sevimli reklam kampaniyaları biri geri flashing edirik&R: Bad Food, Bad Dog. Aprel bu gözəl flashback Enjoy 2009. Don’t forget to submit your agency’s creative work to The Creative Ham, çox!

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Adweek Super Bowl Mashup

Reklam çox bu il Super Bowl daşıdılar ilə, Adweek’s Super Bowl Mashup is a gift and a time saver for anyone wanting to see all of the Super Bowl Ads. Super Bowl xlix reklam bütün bu recap Enjoy, bir iki dəqiqə şah daxil tərtib.

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