The Subaru Legacy is Dog Tested and Dog Approved #TBT

These Subaru ads throw it back to the days of AirBud with a similar strategy: using adorable golden retrievers for a slam-dunk ad campaign. Ad agency Carmichael Lynch introduced Subaru’s Driving Dog Family the Barkleys a few years ago, and they’re back with more amusing animal action in the “Dog Tested. Dog Approved” campaign. Because let’s be serious, puppies can sell just about anything.

The 60-second spot “Puppy” will probably get people who don’t even live in Seattle to buy a Subaru. The Barkleys are a hilarious dog family with real dog problems, like getting their baby to sleep. Everyone knows the solution: the carseat and an evening joyride in the back of the Legacy.

The other comical 30-second spots that shadow the day-to-day life of the Barkleys show that being a dog isn’t always easy—they’ve got bad hair days, dirty windshields, and deceiving navigation on their smartphones, ເກີນ​ໄປ.

The Subaru “Dog Tested. Dog Approved” spots aired during the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. The campaign is rightly targeted at Subaru/dog-lovers: according to the numbers, over half of Subaru owners also own dogs. Safe to say, John Cusack owns a Subaru. #mustlovedogs

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