8 Advertising Startups On The Verge of Changing The Industry

There are plenty of programmatic, optimization, analytic, crowdsourced, blah-blah startups out there. I’ve dubbed these companies “Buzzword Startups”, and don’t worry–they didn’t make this list. I wonder if their founders can even explain what they do, let alone attempt the No Comma Challenge. Other startups who didn’t make the list include those whom I couldn’t

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“Abortion. Bəli, We Do That” #BaconBits

Ilə 1996, President Bill Clinton stated that “abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare.” Flash forward to 2015, nearly 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in her lifetime. While abortion remains one of the most heated debates in American society, a couple Boulder agencies are helping their client

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Real Mad Men x VİTSE #BaconBits kimik

Şeytancasına gözəl, cəlbedici flawed, reklam ən nüfuzlu adlardan biri, O, qondarma var–biz bütün Don Draper sevgi. Əfsanəvi Mad Man faktiki olaraq hər reklam dairə dalğaları etdi, və real həyat reklam əfsanə George Lois əsaslanır (Bildiyiniz kimi bir çox). VICE aşağı izlemek üçün Hollywood hit kənara çıxır kimi baxın

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