Sneak Peek: ‘Improve Your Odds’ Campaign by Sterling Rice Group Releasing Nationally for March Madness

Sterling-Rice Group out of Boulder, CO is at it again with this recent work for California Almonds. The series will be broadcast nationally during March Madness (March 14-April 3): Submit your agency work to The Creative Ham, click here! Agència: Sterling Rice Group Creative Director: Robert Borges Copy Writer: Christine Coe Art Director: Tim O’Malley

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Daniel Peterson Named Design Director at Base Design in New York

International branding and design firm, Base Design, has appointed Daniel Peterson as their new Design Director at the company’s New York office. Daniel’s appointment as Design Director represents Base’s strategic efforts to expand the company’s team of internationally renowned design talent. In his new role, Daniel will be shepherding the New York design team across

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Jove & Laramore Anar a la contractació Spree mesura que els mercats s'escalfen a Indy

A mesura que el mercat s'estabilitzi Indianapolis, una ona de creixement en l'organisme amb seu a Indy jove & Laramore està duent a terme. Brad Bobenmoyer has added VP, Marketing to his account director title, i l'agència reforça el seu cos amb tres noves contractacions: escriptor Deidre Lichty, cap de producció Lynn Kendall i gerent de comptes Sarah Scranton. Heus aquí un desglossament:

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