How To Attract Thousands of New Signups With An Effective Drip Marketing Campaign

With the advent of remarketing, the importance of demand generation marketing techniques (driving awareness) is considerably more important. ໃນ​ປັດ​ຈຸ​ບັນ, a simple visit to your blog post is an opportunity for your company to build an effective drip marketing campaign that attracts new customers. How?

ຮູບ​ພາບ: bustle

ຮູບ​ພາບ: bustle

In this post, I’ll explain a simple strategy that will help you attract new customers using amplification platforms like Stumbleupon Ads, Outbrain or Taboola, ແລະ Remarketing tools such as Google. Most beautifully, this strategy can be executed with a very small budget. Before we dive into this brief lesson on leveraging amplification for drip marketing, it’s important that we define a few marketing terms.

First, Some Definitions

  • Drip marketing is a communication strategy that sends, ຫຼື “drips,” a pre-written set of messages to customers or prospects over time.* While these messages traditionally take the form of email marketing, for this How-To we’ll be leveraging amplification channels to build communication through remarketing.
  • Remarketing is an advertising process wherein you show ads to people who have visited your website or used your mobile app before. When people leave your website without buying anything, for example, remarketing helps you reconnect with them by showing relevant ads as they browse the web, as they use mobile apps, or as they search on Google.*

How To Leverage Amplification Channels in Drip Marketing

Step 1: Set Up An Ads Account

If you haven’t already, setup an account on Stumbleupon Ads, OutBrain or Taboola and make your first deposit. All platforms are slightly different, yet the minimums are low to get started which could mean a goldmine of low-cost traffic. For this type of strategy I prefer Stumbleupon Ads to drive traffic through paid distribution since it shows your page in full form.

Step 2: Create Great Content on Your Blog

The key to driving down the Effective Cost Per View (eCPV) on amplification ad platforms is to create highly shareable content that people will give a positive rating. On StumbleUpon for instance, if a “Stumbler” likes your content (clicks Thumbs-Up), it spreads on Stumbleupon’s ecosystem and can even go viral. It’s because of this virality that I’ve seen Stumbleupon ads run for as little as $0.01 (USD) per view.

Step 3: Set Up A Google Remarketing Tags/List

There are several ways to set up remarketing lists on Google. For this lesson, we’ll target people who visit an individual page on your blog–your great content piece/blog post.

After posting content on your blog, it should have a unique URL that you can reference. Log into your Google Adwords account and set up a remarketing list that collects cookies from all of the users who visited this blog post, using its unique URL. By building a remarketing list with each blog post, you can vary the message of your ads with greater relevancy.

ສໍາ​ລັບ​ຕົວ​ຢ່າງ, a pet store can write a blog post about cats and another about dogs–each post has a potentially different audience that can be advertised to differently with the use of remarketing. Someone who visited the blog post about dogs can be served ads about dog food, while those who viewed the post about cats can be served ads about kitty litter.

With remarketing in place, you are ready to use amplification platforms to send traffic to your blog post–collecting their cookies in the process.

Step 4: Launch Your Ad Campaign

Again, there are a variety of platforms you can use to get the initial low-cost click need to start your campaign. For this example we will use StumbleUpon Ads to drive significant traffic and a minimal cost. First, login to your Stumbleupon Ads account and set up a paid discovery campaign. When setting up the campaign, make sure to choose an audience based on your conversion goals, your content, and your historical audience data–this will increase the likelihood of going viral.

When you’re done with setup, launch your Stumbleupon Ad campaign.

Step 5: Launch Your Remarketing Campaign

After 30 days of data collection, you’ll have driven a large targeted audience to your blog post, and your remarketing list should be populated. With the list populated, your Google Remarketing campaign is almost ready to launch–setup your budget, choose your bid strategy, create your ads, and launch your campaign. Be sure to point your ads to high-conversion landing pages on your website.

At this point, drip marketing is in full effect– you are running an automated remarketing campaign that will continue to serve ads to anyone who views your content.

Step 6: Refine and Scale

Now that you’ve effectively built a drip marketing campaign with Stumbleupon Ads or other popular amplification marketing networks, and you’ve taken advantage of remarketing tools, you can refine the messaging of your remarketing ads through A/B testing to determine which ads have the highest conversion rate. Upon refining your message, you’re ready to scale.

ຮູບ​ພາບ: goodreads

ຮູບ​ພາບ: goodreads

Continue to create interesting content, continue to build remarketing lists for each post, and continue to drive targeted traffic. As you build a library of remarketing campaigns, your ads will continue to attract return visitors and new customers.

sources: wikipedia, google
featured image: flickr//daviegee

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