Hefty’s #SaidNoSchoolEver Ad Campaign Is A Hilarious/Sad Look Into America’s Education System

It’s no secret that the American education system is struggling–this is a complex issue with many contributing factors, and it deserves much more than a one-sided article by The Creative Ham; this site isn’t the right place for that shitshow. Thus, I won’t get it, here. However, Hefty is stepping to the plate with the

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Pentagram Creates A Beautiful Poster Out Of Blood To Remember The Day Bombs Dropped On Hiroshima and Nagasaki

“To mark 70 years since the twin nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, Harry Pearce (Pentagram) created It’s All Our Blood, a poster made with his own blood. This film (ಮೇಲೆ) shows the process of making that poster, from doctor’s office to photography studio to printers.” H / T: ಡೆನ್ವರ್ ಅಹಂಕಾರಿ

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Miami Ad School Students Fight Back Against India’s Porn Ban w/ Brilliant Campaign

In what’s being dubbed as the “Porn Ban Crisis”, the Indian government is blocking access to more than 800 websites that have pornographic material. The controversial censoring has been met with mixed responses in India, but students at Miami Ad School (Mumbai) really don’t like it. In response to the government’s censoring of pornographic material,

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The Lexus Hoverboard is Here in All Its Glory #BaconBits

It’s time to whip out all of the Back To The Future quips: Somebody call Marty McFly because a functional hoverboard (not a spoof, cough-cough HUVrTech) has hit the skatepark. ಈ ವಾರ, ಲೆಕ್ಸಸ್ 1,000 tweets/hour and a 20% increase of “Lexus” mentions on Twitter—this activity has been stimulated by the wide coverage of its campaign

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