Top 10 Most Memorable Advertising Videos of All Time of The Month

From a flushing granny to sexual manuals, June 2015’s top video ads are listed below in no particular order. Did we miss any of your favorites?

1. Dove’s Capture Moment of Fatherhood

2. This Horrible Video From CatholicVote (yes, they are serious)

Thankfully, there’s a parody…

3. If Carlsberg Did Haircuts

4. Google for Marriage Equality

5. HSBC’s Heartfelt “Lift”

6. This X-Rated Spot for Adult Retailer (Very NSFW)

7. Durex Canada’s Sex Positions: “Play, Eh?”

8.#DontRushTheFlush…ew, WTF?

9. Apple Music is Announced

10. RBC’s Super Hi Tech Movie Trailer

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